life · scribbles

What is Real?

illusion-art-painting (21)

“Children see magic because they look for it.”

-Christopher Moore

Yesterday I happened to have a conversation with a friend about how we create our lives. Those who read are often smitten by quotes. You get a basic idea about a person’s mind by the pages they follow on Instagram and Facebook and the quotes they relate to. The question we raised was “Do we really relate to quotes or have we accepted them as the truth of our lives? And we’re perhaps too blind or lazy to prove those quotes wrong.” There are about 7 billion people on the planet and a lot of them relate to the same quote, which is absolutely fine. But do we realize that most of us have believed quotes to be the truth and unintentionally the quotes we like have become the truth of our lives.
Literature, art, poetry, music is something that we live for because they are beautiful. Is it a good thing or a bad thing to  lead our lives the way we are leading or we need to change?

What I believe is that our life is part real and part illusion. We often turn our illusions into reality. When I say that I am a wizard, you might think that I am kidding but it’s totally based on my experiences in life and how I see things. Everything, be it a simple object like an apple has various connotations for each one of us and we make those connotations appear to be real. In Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, there’s a conversation that takes place in Harry’s head and he questions if it’s happening in real, to which Dumbledore responds that “Of course it’s happening in your head but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t real.”

So What’s Real?

I would love to read your perspective in the comments section. 🙂