
It’s Okay To Be Wrong

Dear You,

It’s okay to be wrong.

Wrong and right are subjective concepts. And so is success and failure. Everything is in our minds. Our minds are powerful tools. Most people live their lives getting controlled by their minds and not controlling their minds themselves. They spend their lives in an unconscious state. Our beliefs n ideas about ourselves, the concept of idealism and wrongness and righteousness of a particular action is often defined by external forces and our own minds. However it is ever changing. What maybe wrong today might turn out right tomorrow. So darling, I want you to stop and sit still. It’s okay to be wrong. It’s okay to be wrong and fail and fall and get hurt and bruised and broken and damaged. Life is cutting you off edge by edge. You’re a diamond in process. Let life cut you up and let your wounds bleed. Because all that’s happening now will help you shine bright later. It’s okay to be wrong. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to feel like shit. But it’s not okay to get stuck. Feel every emotion completely. Spend some time with your grief. Address it. Acknowledge it. Accept it. Love it. And let go of it. Keep all the beautiful lessons it left for you as souvenirs and get going.

Yours lovingly
You. ❤





Image source: The Internet

“Those brown eyes shine like the stars when they close,

Those fingers of yours fit into mine like feathers closing,

Those lips of yours are like rose petals kissing me good night.”


Dear love,

I like for you to be still in silence,

where the evenings close by the beach

and we are not in each other’s reach.

Let our hearts communicate through the universe,

and let our hearts remain open for love.

And when one day it’s raining, you’ll find me close in your arms.

And our love will create a home so warm.

And then those stars, feathers and rose petals are all mine

We make love as pure as red wine.

life · poetry



With spring fading away and summer sun shining, there are clouds that are creating noise seeking attention because nobody seemed to talk about the beauty of rains and winds that spread heavenly aroma. When one is in love, one is crazy. And rains bring out this eternal hopeless romance within me. On days when I am chasing my dreams and looking at the dreamcatcher by my bedside with the sound of the rain and soft humming of the wind chime, I am reminded of you. You’re not here with me and sometimes you are a figment of my imagination. This perfect soul mate with whom I want to share my Rumi with. Sometimes you seem real like a fairy tale. You are the butterfly kissing the flower that my heart is and then flying off in the garden with your pretty yellow wings. While I am the sunflower and sometimes I look like a daffodil dancing in the rain when you slowly suck my nectar leaving your footprints all across. This tale of love is as bizarre as this unexpected rain. On some days romance doesn’t sound so vain. Close your eyes and let my love reach out to you through this rain.